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Student Services and Amenities Fee

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) was introduced for all Australian universities in January 2021 after the Federal Government passed the Student Services and Amenities Fee Legislation in October 2011.

Under this legislation, Australian universities are able to charge students for the delivery of non-academic student services and amenities, such as sporting and recreational activities, help to obtain employment and advice on careers, and services to develop skills for study.

The SSAF supports activities and initiatives that empower all students to engage and optimise their individual educational, social and cultural student experience and enrichment both online and on-campus.

When is the fee charged?

The SA fee is charged each Teaching Period based on your enrolment load and is due by the fee due date. Eligible students can defer payment of their SA fee by completing a Request for prior to the census date.

All students who are required to pay a student contribution or tuition fee will be charged the Student Amenities fee.

The following students are exempt from paying SSAF:

  • Research students on an RTP scholarship
  • International Partner students
  • Exchange students
  • Pathway students (Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) and English language).

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for 2023 will be charged at $40.75 per unit of enrolment up to a maximum annual amount of $326.

In 2024, the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) will be charged at $43.85 per unit of enrolment up to a maximum annual amount of $351.

More information is available on the Fee Schedules page.

The maximum annual Student Services and Amenities Fee charge is set by the Department of Education and is indexed each year. Further information on the Student Services and Amenities Fee and is available on the Australian Government's . 

During 2022 support was provided through SSAF funding against the following themes and included providing supports to students through a peer-to-peer service delivery tiered support model:

Priorities for 2022 $
Helping students develop skills for study 550,325 
Helping students obtain employment or advice on careers 1,283,727
Advising on matters arising under the higher education provider's rules 51,352
Advocating students' interests in matters arising under the provider's rules 243,041 
Promoting the Health and Welfare of students 786,095 
Giving students information to help them in their orientation 385,121
Other (Helping students with their financial affairs) 188,423 
Supporting the administration of a club whose members are students 331,722
 Supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students 330,108 
Total $4,149,914


Due to the recent establishment of the Student Senate, consultation regarding the proposed 2023 allocations is in final stages of consultation and will be finalised in July 2023.

Under the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines the University must consult and provide information to all students enrolled including the democratically elected student representative on the following:

  • purpose of the funding
  • the amount of anticipated SSAF funding revenue
  • mechanisms to establish priorities and the process to provide feedback on the priorities. 
Consultation Timeframe 2024
Students, including elected student representatives, invited via email to review 2024 priorities and proposed 2024 allocations Oct 2023 
Feedback on proposed allocations reviewed and recommendations made to Provost and Dean (Students) Nov 2023 
Priorities and previous year's SSAF expenditure published on the website Jun 2024